Quiet Time
Things are tough all over I suppose.
There's been very little time to chronicle what went on this last half of 2012, but it was mostly good and that's not bad.
Janine and the boys headed out to La Paloma for a week while I tried to tackle some work that seemed too much for any weekend since Coffee Shop started.
The weather was perfect and the house and neighborhood was as quiet as a crypt. Me likey.
The Roof
This little project was begun the year before last and nearly did me in. Even with some weeks of help it was very slow going.
I pressed forward this year, determined to proceed to the next stage; sealing it, in order to stop and leaks and complete the house interior paint job. Yeah.
A little cleaning and it's done. Hey now!
I'll add some cement up there at the front where I left the foam to make a gentle slope (hoping the water will see the logic of it all) and then... I'd like to add a waterproof membrane over parts and possibly paint or coat the whole thing.
What year that will happen is anyone's guess.
The Beach
I went out to La Paloma for a day. It was really nice although you'd never know it from a picture of me. That's me happy. Imagine.
We shared the place with our friend Claudia and her son Nicolas. Oh and their dog Sam. Me and that dog got on great.
The boys are enjoying the summer as far as I can tell. Vincent will share a lot if you can find him. Luca is a bit hard to get anything concrete out of.
That week was a huge success. They played plenty of football (US) and futbol (soccer) so out-of-doors most of the time.
There was a TV but the report is that they mostly played cards and talked. Nice! A week without PS3 and F*book is a much needed break for all of us.
We had hopes of seeing the folks back in the states (thus explains these passport photos) and we were doing our best to prepare for that.
My old man is having a little surgery (is it ever a little when you get cut into?), so we'll look to next year to do some face time. Wishing you a speedy recovery Dad, a big kiss to you and E from all of us.
Vamos Arriba