"To lose the earth you know, for greater knowing; to lose the life you have, for greater life; to leave the friends you loved, for greater loving; to find a land more kind than home, more large than earth"
Thomas Wolfe

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas 2010

We had a lovely night with a minimum of family drama at the house of Jose-Luis and Ximena. Paulina was so excited and handled the evening perfectly. Matias slept mostly.
The fireworks display was spectacular and we had a surprise great view straight down Blvd. Artigas to the Rambla. Plenty of local explosions around us that were none too shabby either.
from left front: Ceci, Juan, Pili, Ximena, Joaco, Flopa, Ama y Marta
Paulina on the move, Luca chills.
Joaquin handles Matias.
Florencia looked gorgeous.

We did get a chance to experience 'tiny baby' in case you've forgotten how precious they are.
Paulina was incredible; growing happier as each of the guests arrived. She knows everyone's name, which I think is remarkable for a 2 year old. 
I heard her exclaim excitedly "the whole family is here, only Papa Noel is missing !"
Tell us about your Christmas.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Feliz Navidad

Christmas time in Uruguay (I'm not sure how wide spread in South America) has some particular customs. Not the least of which being FIREWORKS ! They are legal here and nearly out of control during Christmas and New Year's. This is our batch for tonight. 


Everything happens on Christmas Eve, the parties, 
families gather and open gifts, an asado (por supuesto)
and of course fireworks. Lots of them.
This modest cache is about U$25.00 worth ($550 pesos) and is hopefully an optimal selection; lots of small blasts for the kids to handle that will last a while and a decent amount of rockets and explosions of which I'll do the honors.

Since the original idea for this holiday has long ago succumbed to the corrosive forces of commercialism, we are pretty happy with this type of celebration. There are still mobs at the shopping centers, odd gifts from/for people who don't know what else to do, and way, way too much food, but we have each other and that's not bad.

We do miss the snow.

Happy Christmas Everyone

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Jacaranda and away we go

November is the the month for the peak bloom and the overpowering enchantment of this beautiful tree.
Jacaranda (hoc-a-ron-DA) starts the summer with these fabulous violet flowers, stunning enough. What I can't provide here is the fragrance that comes with. As they say R.O.U. "impresionante". 
You can find them all over with some lucky bastards having one in the yard or nearby, but there are a few streets LINED with them and when they bloom well, it's hard to describe. A very strong scent, a beautiful scent as nice as any perfume. It's like an outdoor pot-pour i dispenser. Then there's the color; bright, no vibrant and when there's a row of 'em well, it's to die for. 
Last, but not least, the killer is when petals litter the ground and a light wind carries still more, falling all around- it's like snow, a violet snow fall. Crazy.

 I didn't get anything as spectacular as the photo above.  I will try again next year, but the shot above gives you some idea.
That's a moment from Montevideo, thanks for reading.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

It's a Boy!

Ximena and Jose Luis have increased their family size by just a bit. 
The cutest little bit you could ever hope for!
I'm new

 Matias Pardinas Altieri came into this world a screaming 3.2 kilos, Thursday December 2nd.
I've only seen him sleeping, but the word is he's alert, calm and no surprise, beautiful.

Ximena makes it look easy

I blurred what would have been the better shot.

Aunt Janine with Paulina