The only drag is that it's allergy season and some days it can really slow me down. A tree or the nut? of a tree here called Platanos is everywhere. About the size of a cherry, it explodes into a powder of pollen that looks something like a dandilion. I hear everyone cursing these things, so for while allergy pills will be a necessity.
It's been a while since my last post. Just too busy these days as we are coming close to finishing up the renovation on our new venture Coffee Shop.

Meanwhile, life goes on as usual. Luca turned 14 on Sept. 18th. Here he is with a few friends for cake and coke. No request for a field this year. The kids are preferring a movie and big sleep over these days. It seems they play enough futbol during the week. Girls are entering the picture lately; he's already been to a few dances.
Oh boy.
The two big teams in town are Penarol and Nacional. Something like Yankees and Mets. You must be one or the other. Only an 'estranjero' like me can go to either. Seriously, I offered a spare cap to a friend to cover his head for painting. He refused. Wear a Nacional cap? Are you serious?
Luca is Penarol and we go to games when he's not there with friends. I will add some footage of the loyal cheering section from a game. You won't believe the singing, it's impressive.
Black and Yellow is Penarol or 'Manya' (pronounced man-cha) or Carboneros. Don't forget it.
Naturally Vincent is red, blue and white of Nacional. Naturally.
Vincent has been plenty busy too. Most weekends are sleepovers both nights and mostly away. We only step in when he looks like the walking dead. To much protest he gets a quiet night at home to catch up on rest.

This weekend he went of to Tacuarembo with his new rugby team. That's right, RUGBY.
Some friends play and now he's got the bug. With only a practice or two under his belt, he was tapped to come on this road trip as two players were sick.
Here he is with the new garb including mouthgard.
It was a long trip, six or so hours, so to save money they left at 2:00am Friday, played Saturday and returned around midnight. Exhausted, bruised and slightly sunburned.
He told us of a touchtown, yeah! and taking down a much bigger guy. He was asleep before he hit the pillow.
We are weeks away from opening Coffee Shop. Check it out if you can. Saludos to our family spread out across the globe and thanks for reading.