It was just enough to remind us there's much to do before spring is upon us. Vincent recently captured this South American looking milanesa. Just one of the ways we are keeping warm and happy until the weather perks up for good.
Here's what's going on.
- Janine and I are busy searching real estate. Much is required to find something of value. Our COFFEE BAR plans are at the top of the list, but a good find could turn out to be better for some other project. Vamos aver.
- Colds are intermittent this winter as usual. We never really get rid of anything, we just pass it around the house.
- The newest member of our family,
Paulina Pardinas Altieri had her first birthday party last week. It was a smashing success with no crying (the children at least) and no untoward behavior. Again, I can't be certain about the adults. But ah, they were a handsome bunch. Jose-Luis and Ximena's friends look ready for Punte del Este even if their baby schedules say otherwise. There was a guy making pizzas on the parrilla! It was a tasty affair.
We are hoping for a care package from the states soon. We have a tradition of making "American Style" pancakes on the weekends and so far, we haven't found Maple Syrup.
So, keep those boxes coming!
Thanks for reading.
Yes, maple syrup is one of the things we were missing as well. There is a recipe for imitation Maple Syrup in The Expat Cookbook if you're interested. It actually tastes pretty close to the real thing.