Frente Amplio wins the Ballotage run-off and has another 5 year term. Historic for a party that has been conspired against by the entrenched powers. FA was outlawed following the end of the military dictatorship in 1984 for being the political wing of the Tupamaros, the guerilla group fighting for social justice and for it's socialist, communist and left wing members. It was the goverments battle against the Tupamaros that help convince the populace that military rule was necessary to defeat these "terrorists" who threatened law and order.
The party fought it's way back to the ballots and the people found a democratic way to fight elitist two party rule.
Our new president, humble and plain spoken is a hero to many. Perhaps not everyone's choice and not as eloquent as some heads of state, he has earned his new job the hard way.
Jose 'Pepe' Mujica spent some 15 years in prison, many in an abandoned well shaft, at the hands of the military "goverment".
We wish him luck, on unifying the different interests and leading this tiny country in peace and prosperity.
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