"To lose the earth you know, for greater knowing; to lose the life you have, for greater life; to leave the friends you loved, for greater loving; to find a land more kind than home, more large than earth"
Thomas Wolfe

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Hamptons - Under the Knife

I got a chance to see my sister Louise and her husband Larry my first weekend in New York. My friend Holly was scheduled to have surgery Monday and was more or less pushing me to give her some time before everything got complicated. OK, I guess I can go to Amagansett for a couple of days. It was something like 90 degrees out.
Deck Party
Larry and I play lawn golf? or something, it was fun.
The Rosenbergs

I suppose, I could have had a worse couple of days, but it's hard to hang long where even the dogs live better than most people.


Staying in the West Village is a bubble of New York Serenity. Everybody is well heeled, good looking and the streets are beautiful and chock full of nice places to shop or just gawk at. I was having a pretty good time pretending I belonged there. 

Somewhere in the bubble
C.O. Bigalow's Apothecary
Holly and Jim - West Side Pier
the best patient ever

The surgery went perfectly (couldn't have done a better job myself) and by some luck she got a private room. The staff was great, food OK, they let me stay as much as I wanted; It was sort of like a spa. A spa that cuts you open. The insurance must have given the 'eject' order, because she was unceremoniously released Tuesday night after I was already downtown. That was the only bump, that and the pain I suppose.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Uruguay-Florida-New York

Not easy saying goodbye to my wonderful family here in Uruguay. 

Our new airport is spectacular and the country in general is in good spirits following the fantastic 4th place in the World Cup.

Here's a huge photo of our team I spotted at the airport.

 My trip has been rewarding and successful on almost every count. 

I was able to swim some and spent lots of time with my dad. He's doing well and seems content. I wish could show my folks how much they've done for me.


 Here I am filling up dad's car.  Those clothes and some borrowed would have to do for my stay. My suitcase went on to NY without me.

The few days in with my family in Florida was wonderful. I am grateful this trip has allowed me to see them again. Parting was not easy there either.

Not having my suitcase was all my fault. I brought home the wrong one from the airport. Well, it looked like mine! That took some time and it wasn't until I was leaving for NY that I received news that it was waiting for me there. The security jack-boots ripped it apart, so now I've got to buy a replacement for the return home.

This is one of the cheap-o bags I'm considering. I hope it makes it.

Lots of presents to bring, lots. 

Next post: Holly's good as new (almost), the beautiful West Village and my trip to the Hamptons.


Thanks for reading

Monday, July 12, 2010


It is with mixed emotions I set out for the US this week. I am going chiefly to help a friend, but will try to get in as much visiting as time allows.

I've got plenty of hard-to-find or super expensive household items and gifts to bring back too. I will do my best to satisfy everyone, but travel for me is no easy business.

I'll miss my family a lot. We take great pains (and boy can it be painful, ta-dum) to spend a lot of time with the kids. I don't easily take time away from that.
I'll miss my routine too; cooking, guiding the kids to do what they should, assisting my wife. All the little things that make up a day.
We are (and have been the last couple of weeks) dangerously close to selling San Salvador. It's too much to go into here, but it looks like we will have to confer through Skype or something while I'm away. Ironically, Janine had to close on this very house while I was in NY the last time I went. Weird right?
I am glad to get away from winter for a bit, although guilty that we all can't. It's fffffu-reezin' out now.
Just the other day it was beautiful. Go figure.

I will be glad to find some better jobs upon my return.

Here's a door, broken in by robbers, I repaired last month.

Today I will be adding a cabinet to a friend's kitchen that will hide the water heater.  I'll put up a shelf if I'm asked. Things will pick up, just gotta be patient.

Also, if it gets a little warmer, I can resume work on that awful roof.
As you can see, we've go most of that insulating foam scraped off. Yikes, what a killer job this one was, is. The super thick part by the parapet is gonna have to stay. WTF? I can't get that off, not this year!

Okay, last post before I travel, probably.

Next: the view from a sweltering (and probably stinking) New York City.

Thanks for reading.