I've got plenty of hard-to-find or super expensive household items and gifts to bring back too. I will do my best to satisfy everyone, but travel for me is no easy business.
I'll miss my family a lot. We take great pains (and boy can it be painful, ta-dum) to spend a lot of time with the kids. I don't easily take time away from that.
I'll miss my routine too; cooking, guiding the kids to do what they should, assisting my wife. All the little things that make up a day.
We are (and have been the last couple of weeks) dangerously close to selling San Salvador. It's too much to go into here, but it looks like we will have to confer through Skype or something while I'm away. Ironically, Janine had to close on this very house while I was in NY the last time I went. Weird right?
I am glad to get away from winter for a bit, although guilty that we all can't. It's fffffu-reezin' out now.

I will be glad to find some better jobs upon my return.
Here's a door, broken in by robbers, I repaired last month.
Today I will be adding a cabinet to a friend's kitchen that will hide the water heater. I'll put up a shelf if I'm asked. Things will pick up, just gotta be patient.
Also, if it gets a little warmer, I can resume work on that awful roof.
As you can see, we've go most of that insulating foam scraped off. Yikes, what a killer job this one was, is. The super thick part by the parapet is gonna have to stay. WTF? I can't get that off, not this year!

Okay, last post before I travel, probably.
Next: the view from a sweltering (and probably stinking) New York City.
Thanks for reading.
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